Episode 38: Absolute Euphoria

No roleplay talk today. Just wonderful wonderful news about me and my transition. I will be getting diagnosed, I am feeling more free in my voice, and pride, oh my gosh pride. Listen for some pure trans joy, and of course a sonnet. This sonnet.

The strides I’ve taken cannot be denied,

Look down the depth from whence I had to rise,

The pain I’ve felt, the tears that I have cried,

Were worth it all, to shed my grim disguise.

Yes, sacrifice was made, I can’t deny,

Though I care not for strength to open jars.

But there was something I held much more high,

A joy, I held much dearer than the stars

A sorrow, yes, but one I carried still.

I thought it was the price I had to pay.

A price I thought eternal up until,

You took my hand and showed another way.

With radiant smile and hope you came along,

Returned to me the wonderous gift of song.

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