Bigots begone! queencattisthegreat Slow down today... think about the fallen. Remembe Follow the storm lights #LARP #VAMPIRETHEMASQUERA Survival tips for #worldofdarkness Step 1. Make f Disaster in 3... 2... 1... #BreakMe #LARP #VAMPIR It's LARP o'clock, bloodsuckers! #PUNK #LARP #VAMPIRETHEMASQUERADE #BREAKME Light Flame How oft' unjust the words we use may be, To Wild Strawberry I sit and stare with starlet eyes All dolled up and ready for pain. #vampirethemasqu I keep coming back for more. #vampirethemasquerade Got some merch!! Represent!!! ❤️ @travantilium Going to go see @travantilium perform live! Wohooo The priest and the angel We met a man of cloth an Emily still lives! ...well. Sort of. #larp #vamp . ... Yet! #larp #vampiretjemasquerade This isn't over #larp #vampiretjemasquerade #vampirethemasquerade #larp #sonnet Worth it The Every transperson, ally, or anyone who has ever ha #vampirethemasquerade #larp #sonnet Chapter 2: O #larp #vampirethemasquerade Am I ready? No. Bu Load More Follow on Instagram Twitter feed is not available at the moment.